Boxing right, high, long, pointed knees, opening the game, walking, stabbing, strong fighting,...
Boxing right open the game, right kick, punches right knee in sticky booty push, do not drop...
Boxing cross knees, strong strike, strong elbow teeth, fierce fighting, the tip is...
Boxing knees, fierce fights, broken knee squares, stabbing strong fights, speeding ends, having...
Boxing on the right, opening the game, hitting a strong strike, walking all the time, having an...
Boxing left knee in sticky, open the game, left kick, punched left, wrestled, hit a strong end...
Left boxing, rhythm, complete skills, left shin, strong punches, strong punches, early to...
Boxing on the left, tall, long, skillful, trap, splash, trap, kick, cut legs, punch, force, long...
Right-handed boxing, full skill, wrestling, tough hitting, chasing the arm, elbow, strong square,...
Fresh boxing has not been defeated at all, high, long, kicking on the left, the left shin, strong...
Boxing skill, complete kick, strong kick, smart, good angle, extraction, has a golden second...
Right-handed boxing, skillful boxing, complete equipment, both left and right, trap, splash,...
Boxing on the right, high, long, pointed knees, split faces, sharp elbows, fierce fighting, strong...
Right-hand boxing, complete skills, traps, splashes, strong weapons, every ball is a good...
The rhythm of skilled craftsmanship outside was in good shape, splashing the shin blocking the...
Right-handed boxing, full skill, punches, locks, tightens, hits tight. Fierce fighting, the end is...
Boxing knee in sticky, kicking, punching, punching, teeth, elbow, locking, tightening. Thrust...
Boxing knees, opening the game, kicking right, punching right, strong neck thrust stuffed with...
Right-handed boxing, full skill rhythm, splashing shins, punching punches in the face Broken,...
The right-hand boxing skill dazzles and splashes the shin across the face against the knee. good,...
Tall, long, front cross, knee brace strong elbow punch. Fierce fighting, the end is...
Rhythmic boxing, complete skill, seasoned outside, good in punches, strong punches, every ball is...
Knee boxing, opening the game, punching the stomach, punching the face, wrestling, good hitting,...
The left boxer opens the game, splashes the shin, grabs the neck,locks, hits firmly, sharpens his...
Professional boxing knees open the game, lock the strap, hit tough, strong, walk...
Left-handed boxing, complete skill, left kick, smart, good cross, good face, good square...
Boxing skills, complete, left kick, punch left, stick in a good wrestling, tight tie, strong...
Tall, long, full skill, trap, splash, shin, thrust, stuffed, fast, good square...
Fresh form boxing, splashing shins, wrestling, hitting tough, chasing arms across the front,...
Left-handed boxing, advantageous shape, fluent skills, complete equipment, strong shins, good...
Boxing knees sticking in locks, tight hits, tough, stubborn, good, strong...
High, long, rhythmic boxing, full skill, trap, kick, plug, stab, good square, disappear as a...
Punch Medicine Order Boxing on the right opens the game, kicks the leg, tightens the fist, hits...
The skilled master of Ranong, skilled at all, splashes across the face, wrestles with good...
Boxing skills with a variety of weapons, clever, good, strong, the tip is...
Boxing right opens the game, throws a shin, punches the knee in a sticky, stuffed, strong...
Right-handed boxing, full skill, kicking, punching, right knee, wrestling, broken square, stabbing...
Boxing high, knee length, open the game, hit the pole, brute force, walk at the...
The left boxer, skillful, complete, trap, throws, punches in the face, stabs in the inner circle...
Right-handed boxing, complete skills, trap, splash, throw the right shin, counter-yat. Dangerously...
Left-handed boxers, complete skills, kicking, punching left, trap the left elbow, good front,...
Left-handed boxer, complete skill, left kick, punches left, crosses the main face...
Boxing right, opening the game, kicking legs, punching rubber, punching, accurate, fierce, heavy...
Boxing knees in a sticky, shin splash, wrestling force, strong hits in front of the ball, kicking...
Boxing on the right, skillful rhythm, splashing strength, fluent main weapon. Broken, good...
Boxing rhythm, skilled, skillful, skillful punching, using good squares with a kick. Kick your...
Left fighter, complete skill, left shin, strong wrestling force Strong elbow punch, more seasoned...
Boxing on the left, high, long, good outside, trap, left kick, force in front, stab, fight well....
Boxing opens the game, the left shin is strong, punches, wrestles, hits strong, elbows. Dangerous....
Right-handed boxing, complete skills, trap, splash, punch, block, block in the face. stuffed with...
Boxing on the left, knees, open the game in front of the lock, tight, fierce. stronger...
Left-handed boxing, full skill, strong left foot, fierce, more than a hundred...
Left-handed boxing, complete skill, trap, splash, chase, stab arm stuffed with clever...
Boxing knees in glutinous, seasoned chasing locked arms, strong wrestling. Good walk. Strong...
Right-handed boxing, complete skills, both left and right, heavy weapons. can always...
Boxing right, high, long, splashing, punching rubber, wrestling, hitting tough. Crossing the front...
Skillful rhythm boxing, defending, kicking left, punching left, chasing the arm against sharp...
Boxing on the right knee in a sticky open game kicking the right to grab hold of the lock. bounce...
Right-handed boxing, full skill, chasing the arm, press and hit hard. Every heavy weapon is...
Boxing, left knee, strong punching, leading to grab the neck and stuffed with force. Fierce...
Boxing, left knee, strong punching, leading to grab the neck and stuffed with force. Fierce...
Right-handed boxing, full skill, kicking, punching, right-handed, chasing the arm, cutting the...
Boxing right, high, long, pointed knees, open the game, splash the right shin, force across the...
Right-handed boxing, complete skills, locks, straps, hits, spikes, chops, elbows, fierce, fussy...
Right-handed boxing, skillful rhythm, right shin, cross-front force, elbow strength, good...
Old boxing knee kicks, punches, locks, hits tight, knees, bounces, hits well, ends with...
Full skill boxing, sticky knees, sticky locks across the face, thrusting fiercely, at the end of...
Sticky knee boxing, splashing the shin cross, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, fierce, strong...
The right boxing skill is complete, the right shin is strong, going in and out...
Boxing, high, long, skillful rhythm, kicking, punching, force in front, stabbing, throwing,...
Right-handed boxing, full skill, dare to exchange, fight, fierce, strong elbow, get a chance to...
Boxing rhythm, skill, trap, stab, chase, good thrust, good front foot, do not fall before the end...
Right-handed boxing, full skill, splashing, chasing the arm, wrestling, hitting stronger,...
Boxing skills, complete, kicking, left and right, broken ball, stabbed, set the arm, fight the...
The right boxing skill is complete outside in good, good, fast, fresh form....
Boxing knees, skilled, complete, splashing, shin locks, tight hits, sticking in the face, stabbing...
Boxing on the left, high, long, opening the game, splashing, wrestling, hitting strong shins,...
Boxing opens the game, kicks, punches the rubber, throws the glass early and gets a chance to...
The right-hand boxing skill is complete. The right kicker fights fiercely, punches with a variety...
Boxing right knee open the game walk grab the neck strapped in tight chasing good arm punching...
Boxing knees in the sticky open game, splashing the shin, grabbing the neck, hitting the strongest...
Knee boxing, open the game, kick hard, punch, fight, fierce, dare to exchange every ball, come in...
Boxing on the right, high, long, pointed knees, opening the game, punching, grabbing the neck...
Boxing skills, full equipment, heavy kicks, strong punches, fierce fighting in the face of the...
Left boxing, rhythm, full skill, wrestling, strong hit, elbow waiting at the heart, more variety...
Boxing with knees, full equipment, strong shins, wrestling, strong hitting, fierce fighting,...
Professional boxing right knee kicks hard, punches, locks, hits, thrusts, thrusts in front, stuffs...
Left-handed boxing, complete skills, strong left shin, chasing the arm against the square...
Left kick, punch left, strong wrestling force, strong stab, sharp left elbow...
The right boxing kick, the leg punches the rubber, sticks in tight, sticks, stabs, puts on a...
Boxing knees, Dan Stol opens the game, kicks, punches in the face, fights, hits strong, diligently...
The right-hand boxer, the senior defender, catches a good way, intercepts his elbow and waits for...
Boxing right opens the game, kicking right, punching right knee in lock, tight,...
Right-hand boxing, knee-high, purely walking, hitting the lock-neck, hitting the neck, stuffing...
The left-handed boxing skill is complete, blocking the front, stabbing the shin, flapping,...
Boxing on the right, rhythm, skilled, complete, splashing, strong, good, seasoned...
Full skill, open the game, splash, punch, fight, hit, strong, fight, fierce, until five...
Boxing rhythm, full skill, left shin, strong trap, stabbing various weapons, fast, ever...
Boxing right opens the game, kicking right, punching the right circle, wrestling, hitting tight,...